Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Lamby Coat

Hazel received a coat from her Great Aunt Barb that looks like sheep's wool. The coat even has ears and a tail. So cute!! I think Hazel knew how cute she looked; she kept smirking.

Burping Hazel, love the faces.

My cousin Dale does a bit of traveling. While in Peru this summer he bought Hazel a couple of sweaters. He commented that she looks like a regular Peruanita! Not sure that her fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes are quite the match!

Shots of Hazel

Friday, October 31, 2008

Photo Shoot

Aunt Katherine is a professional photographer and was out east doing a different shoot and was able to stop by to see Hazel and take some pictures of her. Katherine does great work and we are very blessed to have her as a Sister-In-Law / Aunt. :) The pictures above are some of the pictures that she took during the shoot. You can purchase prints of these and many others at http://www.pictage.com/ event name: Hazel. And you can visit her blog at http://www.mcclurehomepage.blogspot.com/ to see the beautiful pictures she has taken of her own children. Thanks Katherine